Tri-Luma Cream advice from the chemist


Tri-Luma Cream: What is it?

Melasma (brown skin spots) on the face can be treated with the help of Tri-Luma Cream, a combination of three prescription medications.

The corticosteroid fluocinolone reduces agitation and irritability.

An inhibitor of melanin synthesis, hydroquinone lightens skin tone.

Tretinoin is a retinoic acid derivative associated with vitamin A that promotes the growth of new skin.

The standard dosage for Tri-Luma Cream

One time every day, roughly 30 minutes before bedtime, apply a thin coating on less visible skin spots. Be sure to apply Tri-Luma Cream to the skin surrounding each stained area, about a half inch of unaffected skin in total.

How long does Tri-Luma Cream take to start working?

After using Tri-Luma Cream for a while, you might not get the full benefits for four to two months. Please get in touch with your provider if, after two months, you haven’t seen the full benefits since this prescription isn’t meant for long-term use.

Is hyperpigmentation treated by Tri-Luma Cream?

The FDA does not support the use of Tri-Luma Cream to treat skin darkening (hyperpigmentation) caused by diseases other than melasma. Find out what options are best for your problem by speaking with a medical care provider that knows the skin.

Can Tri-Luma Cream cause the skin to peel off?

It can. The common side effect of Tri-Luma Cream, skin stripping, can be greatly reduced by lotions. In the unlikely event that this coincidental effect bothers you or gets out of hand, get in touch with your provider.

Could you ever apply lotion on top of Tri-Luma Cream?

It is best to use a lotion right after you clean up in the morning, but you can use it all day if necessary. The benefit of using a lotion right after using Tri-Luma Cream is probably not the same.

Tri-Luma Cream pros and drawbacks


  • Very effective for treating melasma
  • Each day just should be applied once.
  • Using a blended cream is easier than using multiple different medications.


  • Results could be visible in four to two months.
  • It most likely won’t work on more uncommon skin types (dull brown to dark skin tone).
  • Because of the brand name alone, it could be expensive.

Tri-Luma Cream advice from the chemist

  • To prevent Tri-Luma Cream from getting in your eyes, thoroughly clean your face after using it. If Tri-Luma Cream accidentally gets in your eyes, make sure to thoroughly rinse them out with water.
  • Before using Tri-Luma Cream, thoroughly wash and dry the affected area of your skin. Tingling or nausea after using Tri-Luma Cream are common side effects, however in the off event that a rash develops, please contact your medical care provider.
  • Tri-Luma Cream might help with melasma, but it’s not a permanent solution. The discolored skin typically returns after a short while if you stop using this medication. After finishing your Tri-Luma Cream training, discuss with your provider the long-haul options you can employ.
  • Avoid using Tri-Luma Cream more than a few times each day. The skin may become disturbed if you use this medication frequently, and you won’t see quicker or better outcomes.
  • When you are in the sun or exposed to strong (UV) light, melasma deteriorates. This occurrence takes place on cloudy days and during the cooler months of the year. Make it a point to avoid tanning your exposed skin in the sun, wear a wide-brimmed hat, and use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 when using Tri-Luma Cream to help prevent this.
  • Melasma might be made more undesirable by hormonal anti-conception pharmaceutical methods. Speak to your supplier about the optional options.
  • Consult your medical services provider if you suspect that sulfites are making you sick. Sulfites are present in Tri-Luma Cream. If you are sensitive to sulfites, you may still safely use this because sulfites are not the same as sulfa medications. Discussing all sensitivities with your suppliers at every visit or before beginning any new prescriptions is always good to practise.

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