5 Dos And Don’ts To Follow With Research Paper Proposal

research paper topics

Writing a good research paper made my eye roll when I was young. And I know that times have not changed much. Some students still sulk at the thought of having to work on a university assignment help

One major reason for this is that research papers are tough to complete, work on, and they have too much material. Those who lack knowledge or material may have a tough time completing it.

Others are scared at the thought of its length and the high scope of mistakes it offers.

Nevertheless, if you are assigned to do so, you must do it.

So here are five do’s and don’ts that you can follow in your next research paper which will make your job easy:

Dos of research paper

  • Find a good template

The first tip is to take use of a good template. A lot depends on one good template which decides the layout. Research paper proposals are usually small, but a captivating visual can grab the audience’s attention.

If you don’t know how to frame your research proposal, you can find many template options online. Don’t worry about copyright issues since so many templates are available for users.

  • State problems and solutions

There are so many problems in today’s world and solutions we are all seeking. What is your work about? What are you looking for? What grave area are you covering? All these are some of the questions that can entice readers’ interest.

Along with stating a problem, you can also state a small solution to the problem. This can relate to your methodology, approach, and overall conclusion. If you have no ideas what to work on you can look for trending research paper examples that can enlighten your mind.

You do not have to make it longer but brief enough to allow the readers to know what to expect.

  • Be direct

A research paper is lengthy, but a research paper proposal is not.

Since research paper proposals are usually short, there is nowhere to beat around the bush. You need to be small and direct. Do not add in unnecessary data, which is irrelevant. Consider your proposal area as a place for stating the overall summary, which should be short and crisp.

The rest of the matter can be explained in your work.

  • Add real statistics

Adding real statistics always garners more people. Be it any case, you can always find real statistics about it. Dive deep and discover the actual number, real-life events, and examples. The audience always resonates with real-life matters.

Your case can be strengthened and validated by using realistic events. Research papers don’t rely on assumptions but on true stories that can persuade readers to agree with your perspective and vision.

  • Review your work

And finally, the last tip for any writing work is to review your work.  Reviewing your work means going through it to make small changes. Since research paper proposals are small, most students leave no time for review, which is a big mistake. There can be many small changes that you can make to upgrade the quality of the paper.

I proofread my work many times and every time I used to find something to change. This can also lead to a new idea that might spark in your head.

Now that we have talked about what 5 do’s in a research paper, here are the five don’ts which you can follow for a research paper too:

Don’ts of research paper

  • Avoid too much research

Researching to the right extent is necessary. But too much research can destroy what you have already built. If you have found enough evidence to rule out your case, then that is the time to stop. There is no end to research. If you dive too deep, you will lose essential time to complete the paper.

Students who focus too much on researching lose time on writing which can be fatal. Also, it can lead to overthinking your entire decision of choosing your topic, which is not the right mindset to complete any paper.

  • Don’t pick poor topics

Talking about topics, how can we miss out on the fact that we need to pick up a good topic? A lot relies on a topic. If you put in overused poor subjects and do not provide any value to the readers, it is a big failure.

A research paper is a lot about progress and developments. You can shed light on old matters creatively which sounds more interesting than talking about the main story we have heard many times before.

  • Do not copy

Again, a vital tip for any writing task is not to copy the matters. Copying and pasting them into your paper leads to plagiarism.  Avoid doing it at all costs. You can gain inspiration and ideas which you can use in your paper.

Research papers works include going through the works of other readers and mentioning their developments. However, don’t take this as a sign of copying their entire journal onto your paper. Delivering plagiarized papers damages your credibility, even if you have shed a lot of sweat on your work.

  • Vapid assumptions

As mentioned research paper is not a place to make an assumption. Anything you write needs to be validated. Any thoughts and opinions need to be validated.  This is a mistake that I used to make a lot. Research papers are not essays that work on story building. ‘

Here you need to add real insights which form the pillar for your research.

Instead of assuming what or what, not the case might be, spend your time finding out if your assumption is true. Based on the answer, you can state it in your research paper template. This also saves the audience from confusion, which would be a big chaos.

  • Take care of small details

And finally, the last mistake is not taking care of small details. There are so many times I have missed my research paper deadline or used a color, which I was asked not to use.  Following your professor’s instructions and being aware of common mistakes to avoid is necessary.

You cannot risk making citation mistakes as marks are deducted for it. If you’re asked to avoid certain topics, then follow it. Overlooking these small areas while working is quite common, but it has a big, bad impact later. Later when you review the entire paper, ensure you are analyzing that you are not missing out on any essential tip.

These are all the simple dos and don’ts you need to follow the research paper. I can understand that the name research paper is enough to instill fear in the mind of one. Also, it leads to many questions on how to write, what to write, and what to avoid. But after this, you can bid bye to your fear of research proposal wringing.

I have covered everything you need to o when the question” how to write a research paper proposal?” comes in the mind. Follow these tips and work hard on research and structuring, and you will be able to deliver a good paper in the end.

Author bio

Julia Brown is a lecturer at the universe of Vancouver. She has done a master’s in biology and has been helping students for over 5+ years. Over the years, she has helped many students through her biology workshops and tutoring. Currently, she works at Allessaywriter.com to help students who need biology help.

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